Mindful living through meditation
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Even though Doing different Asanas or positions is commonly practiced
Mediation and different breathing techniques are not much practiced it is an inseparable and valuable part of yogasana, which is many a times Under valued
Breathing techniques can be incorporated as a part of one’s daily yoga regime or done by its self
Let’s first clear some myths
Myths & facts
Mediation or breathing exercises are supposed to me done in morning
No, it can be done any time , morning oxygen content is high
compared to evening , we all know daytime trees liberate oxygen and carbon dioxide during nights so
breathing exercise in mornings is
beneficial but not restricted to mornings only .Take out a moment when you
feel palpitation or a moment of anxiety and just concentrate on your breath
and alter your short breath to slow and calm breathing
If one does Asana there is no need of mediation
False, meditation helps mental health and equally helps
physical health. Affecting melatonin and cortisol level in our body
Mediation won’t help loose fat
False, had ever this thought crossed your mind where do our
Fat goes when we exercise, it’s expired through our breath.
Ready to get amused!!!
Know how our bodies are aligned with our breathing
Let’s do it, right now where ever you are
Let’s do this
Doesn’t matter where you are are. take a seat just close your eyes and
Concentrate on your breath and observe which part of your chest is active, now take a moment and keep your hands like a cup shaped facing down on your knees, observe!!!
Your lowers chest, abdomen is active while breathing
Now, turn your hands facing up and observe which part of your chest is active, it’s your upper lobe of lungs, your upper chest
Imagine, just by turning your hands can change breathing pattern, our breathing is so much connected to our bodies. breathing can affect ones physical and mental health deeply.
Let’s try again
Sleep on your left side and observe which nostril is active, it’s your right nostril, change the side and the active nostril will change accordingly
Our bodies are amazingly connected to our breathing pattern, in a way one can ever imagine
Now, lot of people are getting familiar and understand the importance of diaphragmatic breathing. Medical science is stressing on diaphragmatic breathing and it’s been proved by different tests, how diaphragmatic breathing helps to relive stress, anxiety breathing and its effect on our mental and physical health
In one of the studies on a group of athletes it showed that diaphragmatic breathing decreases cortisol and increases melatonin and the oxidative stress thus affecting sleep, aging, appetite and healthy weight. It’s a well-known fact that during moments of anxiety and apprehension our breathing rate increases, the rate at which one breath directly affect the quality and longevity of life, that’s why it’s very important to train the way one breaths, practicing breathing techniques, Pranayama, should be consider as an essential part of daily regime just as exercise or yoga postures
There are many breathing techniques in yoga even if one follows few on daily basis it will bring substantial balance in mental and physical health. One doesn’t have to follow difficult breathing techniques.
I like to share this experience every time I talk about meditation, breathing and its importance in our life. This is one my favorite experience to share.
When I was doing my Yoga teacher certification course from ‘The yoga Institute, Santacruz, Mumbai, there were nearly 50 students, we were given a simple riddles page to be solved, the riddles were of primary school level. We were given 2 set. We were told to do first set .we all did good and had our score counted, than we all were told to do simplest form of Pranayama, (breathing technique) to seat in comfortable position and just concentrate on breathing, no complicated instructions, just breath long and concentrate on breath, acknowledge the thoughts crowding in your mind and let it go .Do not struggle we all did it for 3 minutes.
Than we were told to do second set of riddles, to my surprise we all absolutely each and every one had remarkable increase in score, including mine.
This is the power of 3 minutes of meditation, pranayama
Do it before and after exercise, during moment of anxiety and panicky, before interview, before exams, practice it regular also teach your children. It will help them perform better in their exams, help them stabilize their mind. It is simple technique of balancing our life.
It a free yet priceless resource uses it.
In next blog I will talk more about different techniques and how one can use in day to day life, and how it will benefit in our daily routine.
Here is the proofread version of your text:
Even though doing different asanas or positions is commonly practiced, meditation and different breathing techniques are not much practiced. It is an inseparable and valuable part of yoga, which is many times undervalued.
Breathing techniques can be incorporated as a part of one’s daily yoga regime or done by themselves.
Let’s first clear some myths.
Myths & Facts
Meditation or breathing exercises are supposed to be done in the morning.
Fact: No, it can be done anytime. Morning oxygen content is higher compared to the evening. We all know daytime trees liberate oxygen and carbon dioxide during nights, so breathing exercises in the morning are beneficial but not restricted to mornings only. Take out a moment when you feel palpitation or a moment of anxiety and just concentrate on your breath, altering your short breath to slow and calm breathing.
If one does asana, there is no need for meditation.
Fact: False. Meditation helps mental health and equally aids physical health, affecting melatonin and cortisol levels in our body.
Meditation won’t help lose fat.
Fact: False. Have you ever thought where our fat goes when we exercise? It’s expired through our breath.
Ready to get amused!!!
Know how our bodies are aligned with our breathing.
Let’s do it, right now, wherever you are.
Doesn’t matter where you are. Take a seat, close your eyes, and:
Concentrate on your breath and observe which part of your chest is active. Now, take a moment and keep your hands cup-shaped, facing down on your knees. Observe!!!
Your lower chest and abdomen are active while breathing.
Now, turn your hands facing up and observe which part of your chest is active. It’s the upper lobe of your lungs, your upper chest.
Imagine, just by turning your hands, you can change your breathing pattern. Our breathing is so much connected to our bodies. Breathing can deeply affect one’s physical and mental health.
Let’s try again.
Sleep on your left side and observe which nostril is active. It’s your right nostril. Change the side, and the active nostril will change accordingly.
Our bodies are amazingly connected to our breathing pattern. In a way, one can never imagine.
Now, a lot of people are getting familiar with and understanding the importance of diaphragmatic breathing. Medical science is stressing diaphragmatic breathing, and it’s been proved by different tests how diaphragmatic breathing helps to relieve stress, anxiety, breathing, and its effects on our mental and physical health.
In one study on a group of athletes, it showed that diaphragmatic breathing decreases cortisol and increases melatonin and oxidative stress, thus affecting sleep, aging, appetite, and healthy weight. It’s a well-known fact that during moments of anxiety and apprehension, our breathing rate increases. The rate at which one breathes directly affects the quality and longevity of life. That’s why it’s essential to train the way one breathes. Practicing breathing techniques, Pranayama, should be considered an essential part of a daily regime just like exercise or yoga postures.
There are many breathing techniques in yoga. Even if one follows a few on a daily basis, it will bring substantial balance in mental and physical health. One doesn’t have to follow difficult breathing techniques.
I like to share this experience every time I talk about meditation, breathing, and its importance in our life. This is one of my favorite experiences to share.
When I was doing my Yoga teacher certification course from ‘The Yoga Institute, Santacruz, Mumbai, there were nearly 50 students. We were given a simple riddles page to be solved, the riddles were of
primary school level. We were given 2 sets. We were told to do the first set. We all did well, and our scores were counted. Then we were all told to do the simplest form of Pranayama (breathing technique), to sit in a comfortable position and just concentrate on breathing, no complicated instructions, just breathe long and concentrate on the breath, acknowledge the thoughts crowding in your mind and let them go. We all did it for 3 minutes.
Then we were told to do the second set of riddles. To my surprise, each and every one of us had a remarkable increase in score, including mine.
This is the power of 3 minutes of meditation, Pranayama.
Do it before and after exercise, during moments of anxiety and panic, before interviews, before exams, practice it regularly, and teach your children. It will help them perform better in their exams, help them stabilize their minds. It is a simple technique of balancing our life.
It’s a free yet priceless resource. Use it.
In the next blog, I will talk more about different techniques and how one can use them in day-to-day life, and how it will benefit our daily routine.